Hey guys. It is Wednesday again..:) I love Wednesday cause it is
my hubby's off day and I can spend the whole day together with him. Yeah! ♥ ♥ ♥
Went to Sunshine to buy my daily skin care to bring to UK..I'm super nervous and super excited cause this is my first trip to LONDON!! and It is about 1 month+.. :D Is it too early for me to feel excited? still got 1 month to go.. LOLllll
hmm.. I'm wondering what else should I buy.. mask-check ,toner-check,, moisturizer-check, sunblock-check, essence-check,lip moisturizer-check, moisturizing Mist-check, body lotion-check, scrub-check... what else? oh ya... eye cream!! I forget to buy..=.="" ...T^T Should I bring baby oil or what? Cause last time went I went to Hong Kong, my skin cracked!! Even my nose also bleeding. sign. I use 1month to Heal it.. ^#@&^*%#& Hmm.. But I think Summer doesn't need so much "ka chang" bah~
this ady cost me rm300..=="
Went to Queensbay for a movie named Punishment.. Quite nice..:) then took our dinner at food court there..
my hubby's set was about Rm7.90 and mine rm5.90 very cheap and very delicious ♥ ♥
After that we went to take some photos for my on9 shop's ready stock.. thank you hubby..辛苦你了~ here are the sneak preview.. hope you all like it.. :)

hi gal, can i know the KOSE skin care u buy is moisturizer? toner ?or essence?